Fresh WSUS 2012 setup does not create the Win7Sp1\ Folder/File => Clients cannot report to the WSUS Server


maybe someone has an idea for this Problem:

A fresh Setup of a wsus 2012 (not R2) Server doesnt create the Win7Sp1\ Folder/File, so the Win7 and 2008 R2 Clients cannot Report to the wsus 2012 Server.

Here is the Log:

2014-08-08 09:38:16:953  840 64c Misc WARNING: DownloadFileInternal failed for https://servername:8531/selfupdate/WSUS3/x64/Win7SP1/ error 0x80190194
2014-08-08 09:38:16:953  840 64c Setup WARNING: SelfUpdate check failed to download package information, error = 0x80244019
2014-08-08 09:38:16:953  840 64c Setup FATAL: SelfUpdate check failed, err = 0x80244019
2014-08-08 09:38:16:953  840 64c Agent   * WARNING: Skipping scan, self-update check returned 0x80244019
2014-08-08 09:38:16:968  840 64c Agent   * WARNING: Exit code = 0x80244019
2014-08-08 09:38:16:968  840 64c Agent *********
2014-08-08 09:38:16:968  840 64c Agent **  END  **  Agent: Finding updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
2014-08-08 09:38:16:968  840 64c Agent *************
2014-08-08 09:38:16:968  840 64c Agent WARNING: WU client failed Searching for update with error 0x80244019
2014-08-08 09:38:16:968  840 1070 AU >>##  RESUMED  ## AU: Search for updates [CallId = {5B62F896-35E6-4A78-A627-77A9DC29B0BA}]
2014-08-08 09:38:16:968  840 1070 AU   # WARNING: Search callback failed, result = 0x80244019
2014-08-08 09:38:16:968  840 1070 AU   # WARNING: Failed to find updates with error code 80244019

The Folder Win7SP1 under the Standard path doesnt exist:

C:\Program Files\Update Services\SelfUpdate\WSUS3\x64 => There are only 2 Folders Vista and other...


Does anybody knows  the reason?

Can I rebuild it manually with the wsusutil.exe tool?

One addtitional info: After the Setup the postinstallation process fails, and I had to fix it with the following article:

Has it something to do with this error, that the Folder Win7SP1 doesnt exist or do we hav 2 different issues here?


August 11th, 2014 5:38am

2014-08-08 09:38:16:953  840 64c Misc WARNING: DownloadFileInternal failed for https://servername:8531/selfupdate/WSUS3/x64/Win7SP1/ error 0x80190194

Does anybody knows the reason?

Most interesting. There isn't a ~\WSUS3\x6t4\Win7SP1 folder in the selfupdate tree on a WSUS v6.2 server.

But you are using an incorrect URL, because a 'selfupdate' connection should not be occuring via an SSL connection.

From the Deployment Guide - Configure SSL on the WSUS Server

You should not require SSL for the following virtual roots:

  • Content
  • Inventory
  • ReportingWebService
  • SelfUpdate

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August 11th, 2014 2:18pm


thank you for your reply!

Yes I know this document and I have Changed it back to SSL required to "unchecked" in the IIS,

but this is not the reason for the 0x80244019 error.

The file is missing for requesting Clients.

I have a Workaround to fix it:

Ive searched for the file on my wsus 2012 Server and found the following search result

Then I've copied it to the self created Folder Win7SP1 under:

C:\Program Files\Update Services\SelfUpdate\WSUS3\x64

After that, all Clients 2008 R2 could Report to the wsus 2012 Server and could retrieve their updates.

I guess it has something to do with the new Update Agent on the 2008 R2 Servers.

All Servers which received the update Agent Version 7.6.7600.320 (at this time by Microsoft update Server and not internal wsus) in the last weeks had the Problem to Report to the wsus 2012 Server.

I had 2 Server 2008 r2 with the older Version 7.6.7600.256, this Clients hadnt the Problem to Report to the wsus Server. (Please remember, they didnt Need the Win7SP1 Folder and File)

But all Servers with the new update Agent Version 7.6.7600.320 had this error in the log above.

For me, the workarounf is okay, but it would be nice, if someone knows the reason why this new update Agent makes a lot of Trouble on wsus Server.


August 12th, 2014 9:02am


thank you for your reply!

Yes I know this document and I have Changed it back to SSL required to "unchecked" in the IIS,

but this is not the reason for the 0x80244019 error.

The file is missing for requesting Clients.

I have a Workaround to fix it:

Ive searched for the file on my wsus 2012 Server and found the following search result

Then I've copied it to the self created Folder Win7SP1 under:

C:\Program Files\Update Services\SelfUpdate\WSUS3\x64

After that, all Clients 2008 R2 could Report to the wsus 2012 Server and could retrieve their updates.

I guess it has something to do with the new Update Agent on the 2008 R2 Servers.

All Servers which received the update Agent Version 7.6.7600.320 (at this time by Microsoft update Server and not internal wsus) in the last weeks had the Problem to Report to the wsus 2012 Server.

I had 2 Server 2008 r2 with the older Version 7.6.7600.256, this Clients hadnt the Problem to Report to the wsus Server. (Please remember, they didnt Need the Win7SP1 Folder and File)

But all Servers with the new update Agent Version 7.6.7600.320 had this error in the log above.

For me, the workarounf is okay, but it would be nice, if someone knows the reason why this new update Agent makes a lot of Trouble on wsus Server.


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August 12th, 2014 9:02am

All Servers which received the update Agent Version 7.6.7600.320 (at this time by Microsoft update Server and not internal wsus) in the last weeks had the Problem to Report to the wsus 2012 Server.

Very Interesting.

I was told there were *NO* dependencies between the new WUAgent and downlevel WSUS servers.

Apparently that was not accurate information, if the new WUA is looking for pathnames that never before existed in a WSUS environment.

I've inquired with the WSUS Program Manager on this.

August 13th, 2014 12:53am

Apparently that was not accurate information, if the new WUA is looking for pathnames that never before existed in a WSUS environment.

I've inquired with the WSUS Program Manager on this.

Hi Lawrence,

are there any updates from the program Manager?


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August 20th, 2014 7:32am

are there any updates from the program Manager?

We're having a conversation and he's investigating. :-)

August 21st, 2014 2:55pm

We found that was not getting downloaded properly and haven't been able to figure out exactly why. We'd have to enable verbose logging and reproduce the issue in order to investigate much further. Let me know if you want to do that- otherwise we'll consider this issue resolved.



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September 30th, 2014 9:59pm

  • We found that was not getting downloaded properly and haven't been able to figure out exactly why. We'd have to enable verbose logging and reproduce the issue in order to investigate much further. Let me know if you want to do that- otherwise we'll consider this issue resolved.



Hi Ben,

thank you for your reply:

Sounds interesting, but I am not so deep in the WSUS theme and his dependencies.

Which do you mean? On the WSUS 2012 Server or the 2008 R2 Member Servers where the  update Agent Version 7.6.7600.320 is installed?

My summary from my Environment:

  • 1 2012 WSUS Server with missing Win7SP1 Folder and files under the path: C:\Program Files\Update Services\SelfUpdate\WSUS3\x64
  • All Member Servers 2008 R2 with the update Agent Version 7.6.7600.320 installed had the error 0x80190194 (file not found) because the Clients looking for a path which does not exist at this time
  • I was able to fix it manually by myself: Ive created manually a Win7SP1 Folder on the WSUS Server and searched locally in the c$\Windows\WinSxS Folder for the missing files. Then Ive copied the missing files in the new created Win7SP1 Folder.
  • After that, all 2008 R2 member Servers could Report, and download updates from the wsus 2012 Server.
  • I dont know, why this Folder is not created during WSUS 2012 Installation Setup?
  • Im not sure how much sens it makes for me to enable verbose logging, because the error is fixed manually an I havent Problems anymore.
  • Im wondering if I am the one and only customer with this issue?!
  • Maybe you can tell me some more Details from your investigations?


October 1st, 2014 9:38am

  • We found that was not getting downloaded properly and haven't been able to figure out exactly why. We'd have to enable verbose logging and reproduce the issue in order to investigate much further. Let me know if you want to do that- otherwise we'll consider this issue resolved.



Hi Ben,

thank you for your reply:

Sounds interesting, but I am not so deep in the WSUS theme and his dependencies.

Which do you mean? On the WSUS 2012 Server or the 2008 R2 Member Servers where the  update Agent Version 7.6.7600.320 is installed?

My summary from my Environment:

  • 1 2012 WSUS Server with missing Win7SP1 Folder and files under the path: C:\Program Files\Update Services\SelfUpdate\WSUS3\x64
  • All Member Servers 2008 R2 with the update Agent Version 7.6.7600.320 installed had the error 0x80190194 (file not found) because the Clients looking for a path which does not exist at this time
  • I was able to fix it manually by myself: Ive created manually a Win7SP1 Folder on the WSUS Server and searched locally in the c$\Windows\WinSxS Folder for the missing files. Then Ive copied the missing files in the new created Win7SP1 Folder.
  • After that, all 2008 R2 member Servers could Report, and download updates from the wsus 2012 Server.
  • I dont know, why this Folder is not created during WSUS 2012 Installation Setup?
  • Im not sure how much sens it makes for me to enable verbose logging, because the error is fixed manually an I havent Problems anymore.
  • Im wondering if I am the one and only customer with this issue?!
  • Maybe you can tell me some more Details from your investigations?


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October 1st, 2014 9:38am

I stumpled about the same issue today in a small office without own IT, which I maintain from time to time in my spare time. Using WSUS on Server 2012 R2, since July (I assume since the day this update has been installed) the client did not pull any updates any more.

The same error about missing http://server:8530/selfupdate/WSUS3/x64/Win7SP1/ in the windowsupdate.log. Really would have to do better things in my vacation than troubleshooting such stuff ...

Best greetings from Germany

October 21st, 2014 4:51pm

I have same issue and your workaround was very helpful, thank you so much, but it still looks like a dirty hack :-).
Any news from MS WSUS Team about this?
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November 19th, 2014 8:46am

Any news from MS WSUS Team about this?

It's not the WSUS team that controls this; it's the Windows Update Agent team, and they're not known for being particularly transparent about the stuff they do with the agent. I wouldn't hold out a lot of hope for any useful responses, much less any changes in behavior.

At this point, contrary to prior guidance, it looks like KB2938066 is a required update if any agents have been updated via WU/MU to 3.2.7600.320.

November 19th, 2014 11:44am

Same problem on one of my server's, i solved it with a "dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth" and a following "sfc /scannow".

All missing "win7sp1"-folders where restored.

  • Proposed as answer by jacobfrank406 Monday, March 16, 2015 5:38 PM
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December 25th, 2014 9:46pm

Same problem on one of my server's, i solved it with a "dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth" and a following "sfc /scannow".

All missing "win7sp1"-folders where restored.

  • Proposed as answer by jacobfrank406 Monday, March 16, 2015 5:38 PM
December 25th, 2014 9:46pm

Same problem on one of my server's, i solved it with a "dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth" and a following "sfc /scannow".

All missing "win7sp1"-folders where restored.

Good news...

But please do not confuse the issue addressed by KB2938066, which relates to non-existent folders on the WSUS SERVER (which have NEVER previously existed)...

...from a scenario in which folders are missing/corrupted in the operating system of another machine.

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December 26th, 2014 11:28pm

markuschen - Can't thank you enough for this; I've been trying to get to the bottom of this for the last month or so. This worked for me exactly.
March 16th, 2015 5:37pm

markuschen - Can't thank you enough for this; I've been trying to get to the bottom of this for the last month or so. This worked for me exactly.
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
March 16th, 2015 5:37pm

markuschen, this solved the exact same problem that I had been experiencing. All Windows 7 clients are now updating and reporting. I couldn't work out why the folder was missing.

Many thanks.

March 19th, 2015 7:52pm

I'm glad that i could help.

This is not the the best thread for the second problem that on my installation occours, but i want it not forgotten: I've used an NT username with space (i.e. "firstname lastname") for the installation. That breaks also the WSUS setup.

One step in the setup is the creation of the WSUS IIS site, in this subcall to "appcmd add site ..." are some quotes missing. Only Microsoft can this repair. A workaround is to use an NT username without spaces :-)

Best regards

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March 20th, 2015 2:51am

Thank you very much markuschen, i had same issue. freshly installed wsus 2012R2, not in domain. windows 7 client report error "FATAL: SelfUpdate check failed, err = 0x80244019". Looking at wsusupdate.log on client side, i got same error : "WARNING: DownloadFileInternal failed for error 0x80190194".

folder win7sp1 is missing.

the trick 

 ' dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth" and a following "sfc /scannow" '

does not help my situation.

Copying folder from "C:\Windows\WinSxS\amd64_updateservices-selfupdate-x64-win7sp1_31bf3856ad364e35_6.3.9600.17198_none_4608db1b080e9549" to IIS Folder where Win7Sp1 was missing solved my problem.

I hope MS can solve this issue in future.

May 5th, 2015 3:16pm

problem still exist. fresh w2012R2 wsus install does not create win7sp1 subfolder, even in x86 and x64 folder.
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June 10th, 2015 7:39pm

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